
Public concern?

Australians generally share our apprehension for the future of our natural environment. A September 2008 survey* ranked the “top 10” national issues. Worry about the environment ranked #3, after health and education.

Since then there has been some dwindling of environmental concern. A 2012 survey by the University of Technology Sydney showed that habitat destruction remains in the top 25 concerns for all Australians.

The Thomas Foundation believes that conserving biodiversity is of great importance to our physical and economic well-being. It will be even more important to our children and grandchildren.

“The bottom line is that if this rate of destruction of the environment, plants and animals continues, the impact on our economy, agricultural productivity, tourism and national heritage will be devastating and irreversible.”
– David Lindenmayer, Prof of Ecology and Conservation Science, ANU

* National Environmental Poll for The Nature Conservancy and the Pew Environmental Group by EMC Media Communications

Great White Shark

Great White Shark