Gaining and sharing expertise is a principal requirement for TNC (Australia) if it is to achieve its large-scale conservation goals.
So in 2006, the Thomas Foundation committed $500,000 to establish the Barbara Thomas Fellowship program. These fellowships attack gaps in the organisational capacity of TNC Australia and its partner NGOs.
Barbara Thomas Fellows 2010-13
Eloise Kennedy
TNC’s Director of Environmental Flows program, assessed opportunities for TNC’s freshwater program in Australia.
Rod Vogel
Developing fundraising strategies for the Karrkad Kandji Trust to secure and manage endowments for the adjoining Warddeken and Djelk Indigenous Protected Areas. Rod has subsequently conducted fundraising training sessions for other conservation groups.
Victoria Marles
Victoria Marles, CEO Trust for Nature, and Nathan Males, CEO Tasmanian Land Conservancy – Building capacity for conservation covenanting programs. Victoria and Nathan attended the Land Trust Alliance Rally in the USA, a conference that represents more than 1600 land trusts across the USA. In Australia privately managed lands account for 65% of all land, playing a critical role in achieving conservation goals.
Wendy Buntin
Director of Philanthropy, Tennessee Chapter TNC – Building fundraising capacity with the North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance (NAILSMA). The Allieance is seeking DGR state to develop private fundraising programs. Wendy helped develop staff structures, governance, training programs, targets and strategies.
Greg Low
Conservation action planning workshop for Greening Australia, WA, Kimberley and Habitat 141.
Angie Sosdian
Private fundraising for Greening Australia.
Johnathon Coleman
Digital marketing strategy for The Nature Conservancy.
Cluny McCaffrey
Marketing and communications strategy for the Nature Conservation Trust of NSW.
Christin Ellis
Major gifts fundraising strategy for Greening Australia.
Bruce Rose
Indigenous Protected Areas (MORE DETAIL)
Anna Simmonds and Jeff Benz
Anna Simmonds, Acting Director Bequests and Annuities, TNC Worldwide, and Jeff Benz, Senior Attorney, TNC Worldwide General Counsel – Research and design a gift planning program for Australia, accounting for tax structures and personal income tax rates here.
The Foundation expects to maintain funding support for the Barbara Thomas Fellowship program until 2018.

Barbara Thomas